Ken Wood


Last seen: 13 days ago

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Ken Wood is a “recovering engineer” turned marketer and entrepreneur. For three decades, he and his wife, Karen, have been passionate about helping people learn, grow and transform their lives through live events. Karen & Ken have produced thousands of events, including workshops, retreats, masterminds, seminars, webinars, summits and hybrid live/virtual events, for 10 to 4,500 participants.

After starting out in silicon chip design, then technical sales, Ken started his first business in the IT industry. Later, he joined Karen in her event promotions company, Universal Stars. Ken infused systems and automation into the business, paving the way for its rapid growth and expansion.

Together with their team, Karen and Ken grew Universal Stars into a leading Australian seminar promotions business. The company achieved milestones such as ranking on the Business Review Weekly “Fast 100” list in Australia for 3 consecutive years, as it delivered 1,208 live events in 7 countries, featuring 110 different speakers. In total, Universal Stars touched the lives of more than 500,000 people who attended its live seminar programs.

Ken's analytical bent led him to study event performance metrics such as attendance rates, conversion ratios, revenue per participant and profitability. From the data, he identified key success factors that create a memorable experience for the audience and move them to take action, thereby ensuring the event is profitable.

Today, Ken & Karen help to grow speakers’ businesses through mentoring on marketing, business models or strategy, optimising their presentations and improving sales conversion rates.

They also co-founded and lead the Speakers Alchemy Network, the only professional group to provide education, peer support, networking and partnership opportunities for speakers who sell from the stage at in-person and online events. Members share a common, events-based business model, making the information shared within the group especially relevant and valuable to members.

Ken recently launched Clientflow, a sales and marketing automation software platform tailored for the unique needs of businesses conducting sales webinars and live events.

He can be contacted at


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