
Everything You Know About Marketing is Wrong! (e-Book)


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Ground Breaking Amazon #1 International Best Selling Book

Internationally Best-Selling Book on Business Marketing & Strategy.... 

We'll reveal the strategies you can immediately deploy that will enable you to out-think, out-market and out-sell your competition

We can help you build a million dollar or even multi-million dollar business. Make sure you take advantage of the free bonuses found in the book!

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Ground Breaking Amazon #1 International Best Selling Book

Internationally Best-Selling Book on Business Marketing & Strategy.... 

We'll reveal the strategies you can immediately deploy that will enable you to out-think, out-market and out-sell your competition

We can help you build a million dollar or even multi-million dollar business. Make sure you take advantage of the free bonuses found in the book!

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Rosemarie Ballmer

Reviewed on 16th Jan 2023

A simply great and wide-ranging book about marketing!

I've read a few books about marketing recently, as I'm currently setting up a new coaching course myself. This one helped me to get a clearer concept for my own marketing while I was reading it. I found myself tending to use generalized jargon in my marketing, which does not help me to emphasize the clear value of my offer and does not help my potential clients to differentiate me from the vast majority of other providers, but effectively makes me invisible. At the beginning of the book, John North presents in detail his “conversion equation,” how to attract the attention of potential clients with his marketing. What John North shares in his book not only makes one hundred percent sense, it has all hand and foot and has already been tried and tested thousands of times. His tips on how to position yourself as an authority in your field are invaluable! Social media presence and marketing, search engine optimization, websites as automatic sales machines, emails, elevator pitches, networks, and so on... John North has filled the book to the brim with everything you need to successfully market your business - regardless of whether you're just getting started or simply want to position yourself better and increase your profits. I will pick up this book again and again!!!

joni wilson

Reviewed on 16th Jan 2023

In This Book John North Turns "Wrong" To Right!

John North's approach to growing a business is from the inside out and also the outside in, in otherword John looks at business from all sides. The title is quite strong but after reading this book, I have to admit; many of my stratagies and beliefs were pretty weak and some WERE down right wrong! In this book, John takes you back to the 1950's and the begining of TV advertising which according to John changed everything! From then on, John walks you through the different froms that marketing has passed through, pointing out why they work and why they don't. I especially liked the chapter on cutting cost and plan to follow Johns suggestions. I also found the chapter on licencing very useful. This is one of those books that has something for everyone who is starting a business and is looking for easy answers and "how-too's.


Reviewed on 16th Jan 2023

Great insightful information!

This is a book that doesn't miss out on much to do with marketing a business. It really is full of information and knowledge and comes from a someone with success and experience!


Reviewed on 16th Jan 2023

Well wriiten and worth the read

I have been studying the concept of marketing for many years and have read hundreds of books on the subject. John manages to distil the principles in an easy to understand and simple way, taking his advice and the principles he shares to heart will definitely reignite your marketing. Well written and worth the read

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